What, are we really spending a whole weekend together after months of online rehearsing? To sing in the same room, without masks? Yes, indeed we are! Suddenly, it was possible to do so, leaving V.O.I.C.E no choice but to take the opportunity! On July 2nd, we made our way to Tulln, to spend three musical days together. With our test/vaccination certificates, of course.
The weather was perfect, so we could also show off our skills in public. The Danube was especially idyllic. And yes, our singing was comprised of multiple registers singing together, without time delay! We were able to see and hear each other. It was really like “before”: ordinary, group singing, a relaxed and happy group with lots of energy and need for movement. We did fascinating musical experiments and multiple musical challenges (which can be seen on our TikTok page!).
On the third day, we were very proud of the songs we learned during the weekend, they were really great fun. If you want, you can hear them at our next concert!